Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Project?

Hey guys, I thought I'd tell you about this. I got a call earlier this week from the C.E.O. of Braeger Chevrolet to work on some "cool" videos to put up on YouTube to help business. Essentially, I'm taking it he wants me to direct some internet commercials.

Before you all get excited, I must explain the history I have with this man. Back when I was a senior in high school, he approached some friend of mine and myself because we were big in the Film Club my friend Jordan and I started and wanted us to do some video petitions to save some ramps from being closed on a major street. The ramps being closed would hurt businesses. We agreed. He promised us all a video camera in exchange. Long story short, we did the work, but only two of us got cameras. The ramps were saved and this is the first I've heard from him since September.

Now, I'm not one to hold a grudge, and I'm sure he forgot, but it still sucks. I have a meeting with him Tuesday, and I don't have a camera. I'm gonna tell him this, see if he remembers/what he says and go from there. I kinda expect something from this project because this is different. The last was doing a public service and the cameras were his idea. This one is business and it helps his car dealership. Things are different. I really want to do this, and I hope we can work something out. He's a nice man, I'm sure it won't be an issue.

Wish me luck, all. Also, since I see I only have two readers, pimp this shit out and get the word out!

Until next time, have a good one.

For old times sake, here's the old website for the ramps.
Save the Ramps Website

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