Friday, April 2, 2010

Be Sure to Check Out "The Lady In Black"

I always forget to mention Greg's film because we never film it on days I film, and usually these production journals are written on days I'm filming. Since we film at Morgan's, her work gets more face time, so I thought I'd take a moment to mention it.

Gregory Bishop, writer/director of "Void" and "C.J. Sunshine" has a new film on the way called "The Lady In Black" about a woman's phobia's haunting her. I've been on set with him a lot when he films and both him and his girlfriend Vanessa both have so much passion that it's always a great time filming with them. I'd show you all some pictures, but none of us ever think to take any while filming... so yeah. I'll be sure to talk about his project more often. Greg, if you're reading this, sorry for not mentioning it enough.

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