Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Set of Dailies

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thought I'd keep everyone updated that yesterday I got to see the first set of dailies for the film. I was nervous about them. I was told there was a chance they might not turn out because of pressure plate issues, but we all had our fingers crossed. Both Morgan and I were giddy to finally get the chance to see if our lighting set-ups were any good. Well, when I went to spool the projector, I got nervous. Almost all the film I could see was completely clear. This made me very nervous. When I actually projected it, for whatever reason the few feet that Morgan shot on my roll and the few tests we did came out almost completely white, but all the real stuff turned out perfect! I was really relieved. My biggest complaint: lack of insight to what I need to do to improve. Rob and the class was more interested in why the beginning came up clear more than helping me out, and the few things that were said (one that was rather insulting) didn't help much. Had it not been for Scott, whom watched the footage later on, I wouldn't have any feedback. So, thank you Scott. I am more fueled now than I was before! Looking forward to being on set again next week.

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