Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wow, Talk About Neglect...

Yeah, time for one of my awesome bi-monthly updates.

If you know me in person this'll be a recap, but whatever. I've been busy. Not even an excuse but a legitimate term. I work two jobs, go to school, do the filmmaking game on the side (which ends up being most of what I do) and I'm writing a television pilot. With that last responsibility comes the titles "Co-Creator/Executive Producer/Head Writer" and it's killing me. Only a few weeks left, though. Once Halloween Express closes for the season not only will my sleep cycle be back to normal, but I can finally rest and take my time. Hell, I can even do homework and play my oh-so neglected guitar on a regular basis.

Plus, I've been writing a journal. Now, that being said, don't get jealous my devoted readers (all three of you), I don't really write it like I write this. That's more observations and drawings. Started as something for a class but I ended up liking it, so I shall continue it. I'll go more into detail when I have time to do more of these. Trust me, I'll get back into the habit of doing these.

P.S. What's the correct form? Film making or filmmaking. I SHOULD know this... but I don't...