Sunday, September 19, 2010


I guess the point of this post is to update everyone. Currently, I'm working two jobs, going to school and trying to do the whole filmmaker thing on the side.

Let's start with the jobs. The first is the job I've been doing for the last three years; working at Halloween Express. I love this job. I do. It just takes up a lot of my free time. I then work on Friday's with kids at after school activities. So much of my free time goes to these that when I do have free time, I'm doing homework. Goody.

My next big thing is school. I love it, but the homework kills me. If I could just stick with the film work I'd be golden. It's the math and science shit that kills me. It sucks. Especially now when I have film projects coming up I need to do. Even more annoying is the Film Equipment Room changed it's hours which really do not work for my schedule. I'll have to come to campus on my days off now. Joy.

Finally, the whole filmmaker thing. I love it, but it's stressful. As of right now I have one full length film that's 3/4 of the way done and I can't seem to finish. I have the ending, just can't get it there. Then, I have three shorts that have consumed my brain. One is a fantasy film, the other a comedy and the other a drama. I'll give more details at a later time. The big thing is, I want to use one of these for my final project but it'll be hard. The fantasy is out. Too much to do for that one. The comedy may be doable, but I'll need to get creative and the drama, which is the most doable, has no real ending.

On top of that, I was asked to write the pilot for a TV show for a friend. I'd love to do it, but I have such a tight deadline and have NO details that I'm starting to freak out. I need this job, but, at the same time, will it be the final nail in the coffin? Stay tuned to find out!